At Sandy’s Desk July 2023
We are up, up and away for our inaugural e-Zine of Spiritual and New Age articles.
At Sandy’s Desk July 2023 Read More »
We are up, up and away for our inaugural e-Zine of Spiritual and New Age articles.
At Sandy’s Desk July 2023 Read More »
I remember one day; I left the school room to go to the tuck shop and upon my arrival found half my friends – from a different peer group – had picked up my book and read it. I was livid and saw red immediately. I grabbed my book recklessly from my friend’s hands and told her never to read my work again. It upset me for the whole day.
Are you a Self-Saboteur? Read More »
So, I asked myself as nicely as I could, “What the hell was wrong with me?” I met some practitioners of energy healing and card reading, who I’m very sure had the nicest intentions of helping me, but it wasn’t enough to get to the level of where I wanted to be. I knew the issue was with me and not with them. Although I was very grateful for the very important hints that they gave me, I needed to get to the point where I had to realise that a radical change in my habits should take place. So I did. But I have to say, it also wasn’t easy. I still found myself in a period of vacillation. Oh boy this is hard!
How can Metaphysical Life Coaching Make Your Life Easier? Read More »
It is about setting and achieving goals in many areas of life including business, health and wellbeing, career, relationships and work-life balance. It can be as broad as wanting to find what will make you happier or as specific as wanting to start a new job. A life coach uses insightful questioning to help their clients identify the goals they want to achieve, recognise their current circumstances, consider all the options open to them and choose which actions they will take within a defined timeframe. Life coaching centres around the belief that everyone can achieve their goals through acknowledging and using their own resources, rather than being told what to do.
A time to coach you in life. Read More »
How to do a Sage Smudge Ceremony Regarding the smudge ceremony, remember that no matter the details of your actions, God knows what you are trying to do, and in the end, you can’t do it wrong, there is no wrong, God and the Master Spirit guides in the world unseen, will understand your actions, and bless
Sage Smudge Ceremony Read More »
The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’. If we could see chakras (as many seers and psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating.And each chakra rotates at a different speed.One reason many people fall ill is because their chakras become out of alignment.
By Spirit Writer All crystals and gemstones ‘vibrate’ on their own individual frequency. In that respect, they are like us human beings. We have all had the experience of meeting a perfect stranger for the first time and either immediately liking that person or feeling an antipathy towards them–with no way of explaining our feelings